Peter Arianas

Quick Facts:

  • Profit Strategy: Wholesale
  • Number of Units: 66
  • Personal Money Invested: $100 on FedEx labels to mail documents
  • Amount of Money Earned: $60k
  • Prior Experience: No prior real estate experience, Peter is a window installer by trade.

Peter Arianas is a window installer and his first real estate deal was a 66-unit building in Ohio. He wanted to flip it and make a profit.

No credit check was involved since he wasn’t buying. Instead, he was flipping the property to another buyer. And how did he find that buyer? He promoted on Craiglist. He promoted on LinkedIn. He told everybody he knew, and eventually someone from Craiglist’s expressed interest.

He made $60,000 on his first real estate deal between cash made at the closing table and monthly income from the property. The investors only made $14,000, so he earned four times more than they did. Peter spent $100 on FedEx labels to mail documents back and forth to Ohio. When he was told he had to fly out to inspect the property, he even got one of the private moneylenders to front him the ticket by paying him back twice over out of his proceeds.

He didn’t graduate from any school. He just decided to start doing larger deals, which is all it takes. 

Peter Arianas

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