Small Apartments Lead to Politics?

Peter Arianas

Small Apartments Lead to Politics?

One of my favorite stories to tell is that of my client and friend, Peter Arianas.   It’s a great story of adversity and triumph in entrepreneurship, and life, with Peter as the victor.   Peter started out in small apartments with no experience, no money, and NO ONE in his corner at home (other than his mother).   Yet he had a vision for more in his life for he and his young family.

I first met Peter when he flew to Houston from New York just to see me speak at my FREE two-hour event.  In fact, Peter had to borrow the $500 from his mother for air tickets.    That’s when I first learned of the depth of Peter’s persistence.

Peter was committed to getting started.  He rallied the funds together to join my small apartments training, which led to his first real estate transaction of any kind:  he wholesaled a 44-unit building in Ohio and made $66,000!  Here’s a picture of me and Peter celebrating his success a few years ago. 

The story is extra special because of the extraordinary and unusual challenges Peter had to face to get this usually straightforward transaction done.   For example, at one point when the deal was in jeopardy heading into closing, Peter – a simple window installer – got the Bank President on the phone to tell him his bank was messing up their client’s own deal.

And the President stepped in to make it happen!  That’s Peter.  Never, never, ever give up.  Not surprising from a man of Greek heritage who is a descended from one of the 7000 Greek soldiers in the Battle of Thermopylae who held off 150,000 (probably more) invading Persians for seven days.

Now, interestingly, Peter is running for the US Congress for my home state of Florida.  Lord knows we need the help in Washington.  Persistence and a never-say-die attitude, combined with conservative common sense… that sounds like a powerful combination for Washington (and entrepreneurship) to me.  Go get’em Peter!

To learn more about Peter, visit

To learn more about how to take control of your money like Peter did, visit

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